2020 A Year Worth Remembering

  • By Anthony Thomsen
  • 31 Dec, 2020

Building Bridges to Remove Poverty During a Pandemic

 A lot has transpired in the last 12 months, much more than was  expected by me personally, professionally and as an organization.  It was filled with frustration, angst, and sometimes despair with nagging illnesses, family stressors, national chaos and global struggles.  The 2020 trend seemed negative.  The news surely confirmed that the "sky is falling."  I felt for the many isolated in their homes here in the US and abroad. Slammed with personal work I was more than frustrated with my ability to do more for Bridge the Gap. Fortunately 2020 was not and is not the end of the story.  Much was learned.  Weaknesses were discovered and we can be better because of it. 

Today is New Years Eve day and I am hopeful. Hopeful for the future no matter how bleak it may seem to be at times.  Happy BTG has great leadership in Peru.  I can't express how grateful I am for Viloleta, BTG- Peru President. (Pictured Below) She has continued to work hard, meet to set plans and programs.  Traveling far and wide to serve the community, make stronger networks, and literally help to save lives in Peru amidst a Pandemic that ran amuck there as well as sever lockdowns. Studies show that somewhere between 85-97% of the population in Iquitos was infected.  They are doing well now though!  I am grateful for the local team that helped her as well.

It's been a year of transition, slower than I wanted.  Yet considering all the struggles, I am more than happy.  You can look through this site to find out what we are doing together and how important you are for others to move toward hope in 2021.

I want to brag right now, so I will.  People ask me, "What BTG is doing?"  My first thoughts are about what you have been doing.  It is why I brag.  Whether you have prayed, gave funds, spread the word or volunteered, what was done mattered immensely.  Everything under the sun, in my estimation, is integrated.  We live and move and breath because of providence, and need one another in this delicate system called life.  We are like an invisible body as the BTG family, with each doing different things and serving in various capacities.  

Sure I can list a half a dozen consistent things BTG has been doing, with other opportunities around the bend.  Timing and funds are always necessary and that is also why I affirm you.  Without the gifts of 2019 & 2020... NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING would have happened positively in Peru.  We could not travel physically, however funds could and did.  

Babies who were malnourished were fed and recovered. (Naomi below) Those with malaria and dengue were visited and assisted.  Many with COVID were fed, at the expense of health for those supporting them.  
We moved toward establishing a greater work in Rwanda Africa.  Brian Blessed, local volunteer director (image right below)  has volunteered many hours to make connections, develop plans. I have paid him personally when I am able.  I greatly appreciate Brian.  Brian, once a refugee, eventually worked as an employee of Africa New Life.  He coordinated assistance to 300 children with them.  I am glad he is my friend, his passion for helping the needy is great, his skills are tremendous. 

Rwanda was also locked down, which made things difficult for many.  With your help, we were able to serve some by providing food.  I had wished we could do more, and I take responsibility for not being able to do that by better communicating the need.

We have 80 high school aged kids, who are from the eastern province in Rwanda.  They do not have the money it takes to receive an education.  Without that education, their outcomes are bleak.  A local organization is willing to allow BTG under their umbrella to be established.  They are serving that community in other ways that's proving to create great opportunities.  Education is where support is greatly needed. 
Again.. nothing happens with out you and others.  All things are possible with a God who I believe is for us, not against us.  We must work to make it happen.  Any success comes from Him.  Therefore whether in the light of night or the dark of day we will move in 2021.  We will talk and share and see what a little from everyone can do in a BIG way.  

Happy New Year!

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