Year in Review

  • By Anthony Thomsen
  • 09 Mar, 2022

Why we are smiling in Peru!

Each year brings its success mistakes and various things in between. The important thing is to be better each day because lives and opportunities are at stake for children roaming the streets, babies born into poverty and poor sanitary conditions. Families in Iquitios Peru are in constant need of education and hope.  Hope that there can be change. When they see it, well all are all smiling and amazed.

Take  Carmen and her family for instance.  They have been supported by Bridge the Gap's generous donors. This last year we moved toward  helping Carmen start a small busines.  I contacted a family member, let them know what was happening and that for less than $200 they could give this family a better opportunity.  They agreed!  

Six months later and Carmen has saved more money than they could have imagined. Our on the ground stafferg Violeta and Lilliana make regular visits with Carmen and our other families being served.  She is able to give hope and collect funds we keep saved for the families. They are also buying their own products and making enough for food and other needs. 

When I made a recent visit with Carmen, her demeanor was so elated. She was so happy and thankful. So I asked her a scary question, "What can we do to help you to do even better?  You have been faithful in this one thing so if possible I would like to help you even more."  I say scary because we run on a very tight budget.  This last year we were in the black by $44.  When monies come in we use it in faith knowing God will provide the way because he has directed us to this work. Trust me I would like to have a month or two of the budget saved. It has not happened yet, but it will.   I did not have the funds personally to make this happen for Carmen, but I know God loves and rewards people here as well as to come. 

I was so happy to talk to a long time donor and his wife from Star Idaho who invested a lot over the years for these families.  They agreed to provide the funds that  helped them purchase products in bulk to sell.  This should in turn provide a greater return where they can buy these products themselves into the future. Gracias Mucho Gracias Amigo's! 

Sometimes these families simply need a little boost to gain momentum.
My most exciting news is we were able to bring back to life our Bebés con Esperanza program. We are giving babies better chances to thrive, as well as greater opportunities for their moms and families. We have a group of 12-18 women and their babies.

This is them gathering at the annual Chocolatada Party held during the Christmas season.
These babies, moms and their families will receive the following:

  • Additional visits from doctors during our bi-weekly meetings.
  • Additional nutritional needs
  • Food 
  • Education
  • Medical support
  • After vetting, small business support
  • Project support such as new housing and other construction needs.
All we do now in Iquitos flows from this endeavor and support of Bebés con Esperanza!
Our Doctor visiting a mom who could not make the meeting due to illness.
Did I mention people are smiling? :)
I was amazed before our last board meeting for the year to discover over all donations had increased more than two fold and we moved to nearly 30 heroes like you that donated food to families, a home, humanitarian aid, medical costs, small business support and more. 

In comparison to other organizations it may seem like a small amount.   For us it was big and so encouraging!  Each American dollar currently equates to almost 3.50 Peruvian soles.  Therefore smaller gifts have a big impact.  Occasionally we occur and unexpected expenses. I believe in transparency and I need to be more consistent in helping spread the message. I am telling you I could not have come up with what we needed.  In moments like that, I remember lessons learned in years past.  God would provide and He did through you!  We have less than 10 monthly donors and are excited to add new Heroes for BTG to the family of support. If you would like to help, even a $5 monthly gift adds up you can do that here.

This last year I made a decision to support two staff and operations costs so that donations directly impacted these families.  We became a legal non profit in Peru and are maintaining that status as well.  It was not an easy year but I have given my life to this endeavor.  The work is slow and steady as a volunteer myself.  I returned from a 3 month stay in Iquitos in February 2022. It was tough at times, but more than worth the effort and sacrifice. My vision is to have BTG Peru sustainable for many years to come.  Having local staff is key to this achievement. 
We are streamlined, have a processes and continue to be better, more efficient and focused with our approach. Thank you so much for your help for as you served these little ones, mothers, brothers, fathers and grandparents, you directly touched the heart of God who takes these love acts personal. 

We are already in the first quarter of 2022. Time is that thing we cant control, buy, or change however what we can choose is what's the best thing to do with the time we have.

Violeta, Lilliana and I hope and pray 2022 finds you in good health and prosperity. 
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Update 3
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