Before being sponsored, these families have meager meals, poor and unhealthy living conditions with limited opportunities.
A BTG Sponsorships provides opportunities they will never achieve on their own, results that last a life time.
$48 per month provides hope for a better future for their families now and for generations to come.
You will receive letters from your families as well as updates and progress reports from BTG. To write back to your family or send a gift, please send to Bridge the Gap's domestic address. For safety and the security of the family and their children we do not tolerate private communication....
They love to receive photos of their sponsors, needed items, supplies or other small gifts. We also will purchase locally to help the local economy and save on shipping costs. Some things have gone missing in the mail so we seek to prevent that.
You will receive a sponsorship card, (digital available) similar to below, about your family including their picture, their aspirations, and family information.